Wenatchee National Forest: Enchantment Area Permits[om_gmap zoom=”11″ lat=”47.528967″ lng=”-120.820599″ ]
Getting there:
Drive Highway 2 to Leavenworth and turn south onto Icicle Road. Follow the road approximately 4.5 miles to the Snow Lake Trailhead on your left. For the Colchuck Trailhead, continue on another 3 miles until you reach FR 7601. Turn left and head up 3.5 miles to the road’s end and the trailhead.
NW Forest Pass required
Quite possibly the most popular of all areas in Washington, the Enchantments are well worth the effort it takes to hike in. There are two different access routes, a vast expanse of area to explore, and the opportunity to thru-hike or make a multiple day trip. This is a place I will definitely be returning to.
September 26, 2009: Day 1
I hiked in through the Colchuck Lake trail and had to slog up Aasgard Pass – 2300 vertical feet in less than one mile.

September 27, 2009: Day 2
I had camped at Perfection Lake the first night, and in the morning made a quick little jaunt up to Prusik Pass to check out the view.

After the morning exploration, I did some fishing and then packed up camp to move back into the Upper Enchantments. Found a nice spot near a tarn at the base of Little Annapurna and pitched the tent. Next up, I set off to conquer Little A.

September 28, 2009: Day 3
The next morning I woke up early enough to catch the sunrise. After a copious amount of picture taking, I packed up camp and made my way back up to Aasgard, down to Colchuck, and back to the Jeep.