I fought the snow and the … wait, I won!
A Kick in the Butte – McClellan
"A Kick in the Butte – McClellan"
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Summer Comes to an End on North Gardner
Neither snow nor rain nor hail nor gloom stays these climbers from the swift-ish completion of their appointed summit.
"Summer Comes to an End on North Gardner"
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Can’t Be Beaten By Kaleetan!
A tale of three trails and two completely different days in the same short trip
"Can’t Be Beaten By Kaleetan!"
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Glacier Peak Summit via White Pass and Glacier Basin
Bagging the most remote of the Cascade volcanoes after a long approach and a ton of elevation
Lookout! It’s Granite Mountain
Beware of the ravenous chipmunks on top of ol’ Granite!
"Lookout! It’s Granite Mountain"
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Goat Lake
A mellow, easy hike to a beautiful lake nestled in the rugged Monte Cristo peaks
"Goat Lake"
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